Fertility Acupuncture 

What is Fertility Acupuncture

Why People Choose Fertility Acupuncture

As many as one in twelve couples experience difficulty in conceiving naturally. This is thought to be due to the later age at which we now start to have a family and the fact that fertility naturally declines as we become older. Additionally, environmental factors are causing a decrease in fertility.

The preparation of the mind and body is an essential part of the journey towards successful fertility treatment and pregnancy. One way of achieving this is through the ancient practice of acupuncture. It has been used for over 2,000 years to manage health problems and support fertility, and there is growing evidence that integrating acupuncture into fertility treatment may offer a greater chance of success

The evidence in support of acupuncture for IVF

A recent high-level review and meta-analysis — the highest level of research of its kind — reviewed 3,188 women from 12 randomised trials. The study revealed that acupuncture significantly affected the birth rates of patients undergoing IVF and ICSI. The review further indicates that the effectiveness of acupuncture may be dose-dependent, i.e. a sufficient number of sessions over an adequate period. While research is ongoing and is not conclusive, this study confirms that acupuncture may provide a fundamental supportive role in IVF treatment. (Research Source: The British Acupuncture Council).

It's not just a problem for women

In about 40% of cases male sub-fertility is an issue in conception. It is a sad fact that male fertility has almost halved since the 1970s. This appears to largely due to environmental and lifestyle changes.

Although it may not be as widely reported as female infertility, around 30% of men suffer from some form of impairment to their fertility; according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority report of 2005.

Researchers have found that sperm counts among men from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand appear to have halved in less than 40 years.

It takes 100 days for sperm reserves to be replaced, so I tend to treat conditions such as poor motility or morphology over a three-month programme for the best results.

How many sessions will it take?

That is always difficult to say because every couple are different, but as a general rule of thumb, you will need to commit for a period of three months (i.e. 3 monthly cycles). Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment. It is painless and does not involve needles in intimate areas of the body. When acupuncture is used before and during IVF it can significantly improve your chances of conceiving.

An initial consultation will last about an hour and will involve an in-depth interview and medical history